Topodroid poate fi instalat prin aplicatia Google Play (sau "Magazin Play"). Este sigura, nu pune in pericol telefonul si nu contine reclame. Se deschide TopoDroid si apare o fereastra prin care aplicatia intreaba daca primeste permisiunea de a activa conexiunea Bluetooth (la fiecare deschidere daca Bluetooth nu este activat), la care trebuie raspuns "Da".
Manual de utilizare si alte resurse
About TopoDroid
TopoDroid helps you to take survey data and accurate sketches while you are in the cave, so that you can detect errors in the data while you are still on the spot and correct them. TopoDroid has many functions to help you get the most out of a surveying trip. In this way, by the time you finish it, a working map is almost ready.
TopoDroid is designed to work *ONLY* with the DistoX, SAP5 and BRIC4. The survey data can be also entered by hand. TopoDroid has DistoX calibration functions, as well as other advanced DistoX functions.
TopoDroid handles one survey session at a time. It is not a cave survey project manager. For that purpose there are many good PC programs, and TopoDroid exports survey data in several cave program formats (among them: therion, compass, visualtopo, walls, survex), as well as dxf, csv, kml, trackfile, shapefile. Sketches can be exported as therion, csurvey, dxf, svg, shapefile, and png image.